Phoonk 2 Challenge Rs 5 Lakhs. Ram Gopal Verma, the director of Phoonk and the sequel Phoonk 2 has openly challenged to give Rs 5 lakhs award to the person who can watch the movie all alone in a theater without getting scared.
Phoonk 2 which will monitor his Heartbeat and Pulse rate and this will be shown live on a screen outside the theatre to both the Media and all concerned.
A normal person according to professionals has a certain average heartbeat and when subjected to any kind of an intense emotion the beats will considerably go up. So if the challenger claims that he had no fear while watching Phoonk 2 the monitor will tell whether he is lying or not and on the other hand if he can control his fear and thereby his heartbeat and not let it cross his normal heartbeat then he will get to win the cash prize.
You can watch more about PHOONK2
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